Low-calorie, low-carb menu, providing no more than 300 Kcal of energy.

The number of calories that are suitable for each person’s body is different. Most men will be around 1,600-2,000 Kcal, women will be around 1,400-1,800 Kcal. Therefore, before starting to control your diet by counting calories, you should calculate the number of calories. That are suitable for yourself first. The next step is to plan how much you want to reduce and determine the number of calories.
Then choose the menu for each day. share a low-calorie, low-carb, low-starch menu. Each dish provides no more than 200 Kcal of energy. Choosing low-calorie foods will allow us to eat more and more variety of foods. While not having to worry about getting more energy than specified.
papaya salad
Let’s start with a Thai dish that is easy to find everywhere. Which is ‘Som Tam’ because the ingredients used are mostly vegetables, no flour and no fatty meat. One plate of Som Tam will provide no more than 120 Kcal of energy. But to avoid the hidden sodium, you may have to reduce the seasoning or. If you make it yourself, switch to using low-sodium seasonings instead
Spicy salad menu
Still on the spicy menu that many people like, which is the salad type. It can be said that all kinds of salad menus provide low energy, whether it’s fresh shrimp salad, glass noodle salad, seafood salad, boiled egg salad, mushroom salad, including larb, etc. For the most part, each dish provides energy between 70-180 Kcal. However, you have to look carefully because some salads, such as instant noodle salad and grilled pork neck salad, these salads contain flour and fat. Of course, the calories will be high as well.
Curry and boiled dishes
If you can’t think of anything, choose a boiled or curry menu first. But it clear soup or curry, such as clear Tom Yum soup, crispy fish Tom Klong soup, mushroom soup, liang soup, sour soup, or various clear soups, which will provide energy ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.app per cup of about 200 Kcal, not more than this. And you should avoid curry menus that are high in fat or coconut milk curry, such as Panang curry, green curry, or Massaman curry, because these curries come with a very high energy of up to 350 calories per cup.
Steamed or boiled food
Another type of food. That provides low energy is steam or boiled menus, such as boil fish with dipping sauce, steamed fish with soy sauce, steamed eggs, steamed chicken breast with lime, etc. For example, 1 steamed fish provides only 156 Kcal of energy. However, whether steamed food is high or low in calories depends on the ingredients used. It is recommend to focus on vegetable, fish, egg, or lean meat menus so that the body receives good protein and various nutrients. While the energy obtained is sufficient for weight control.