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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

6 Dangerous Ingredients in Sunscreen You Should Be Aware of

6 Dangerous Ingredients in Sunscreen You Should Be Aware of Let’s take a look at each ingredient for better safety and efficiency. But what are the dangerous ingredients? Let’s take a look at the first point! 1. Oxybenzone Oxybenzone helps other sunscreens to be absorbed

5 activitie to relieve stress after quarantine

5 activities to relieve stress after quarantine Having stuck at home for months, many people probably tired of staying at home. It’s time to go out and enjoy a little happiness to relieve stress. We have compiled a list of outdoor activities that can also

Revealing 5 mistakes in using eye cream

Revealing 5 mistakes in using eye cream Using the wrong order of skincare products      Always emphasize that using the right skincare, in addition to choosing the right one for your skin type, should apply to the skin in the correct order so that

Low-calorie, low-carb menu, providing no more than 300 Kcal of energy.

Low-calorie, low-carb menu, providing no more than 300 Kcal of energy. The number of calories that are suitable for each person’s body is different. Most men will be around 1,600-2,000 Kcal, women will be around 1,400-1,800 Kcal. Therefore, before starting to control your diet by

Bed bugs are rampant, spreading from Europe to Asia

Bed bugs are rampant, spreading from Europe to Asia Actually, it’s not just Japan. Previously, many countries in Asia, such as China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, had to face the rampage of bed bugs. That came out to bite and cause annoyance, posing